Saturday, February 20, 2010

Auntie Social

Our housemates cat has learned to love the space heater. She has become a recluce in the middle of the room.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maya adores her mama. Me less so. Wait, I mean I hate maya. No, that's not right, I adore my girlfriend, maya hates me. But not really.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Requiescat in pace, Shadow.

February 07, 2010. My girlfriend's cat Shadow died very suddenly tonight. He was with her father at his house where Shadow has lived his whole life. He was born in 1996 and became a part of my life in 2006. He was a friend of mine.

Dogs inna blizzard.

Tommy has trouble. His legs don't reach the ground.

Husky-weasel mix

Maya breaks trail

Dogs find the snow.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Yup, that bike is chained to a tree in front of a bike rack. I do not support bicycles for the blind. No offense to the blind. Or bicycles.

Dog and cat prepare for blizzard.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When the cat's asleep the mice will creep.

I screamed like a little girl.

You would too if you found a mouse less than a foot from your head.
Yup, a mouse on my nightstand eating my very own Christmas chocolates.

I am incensed. I am livid. I am frozen in fear like a bunny rabbit in front of a boa constrictor.

Aren't cats supposed to kill mice for you? What good is having to deal with an animal that is encouraged to poop in the house if you cannot at least let them kill things for you. But, no apparently a 3 pound kitten can't be expected to hunt, capture, kill, taxidermify and affix to the wall one 2 oz mouse.

Well, Lucky for me my frightened shriek woke my lovely protector who proceeded to de-mouse my general vicinity through the fine art of 'slide the book it's hiding in into a trach bag and toss it on the porch for the mouse to escape.'

Thank you my love.

Now I get to turn in my man card and all my flannel shirts to the man advisory board.

Guess I'll look ok in skinny jeans and blouses.

-the dog's cat's person.

Monday, February 1, 2010

This is the other dog, Maya. Navi thinks she is a REALLY big mama cat and tries to nurse. But Navi also tries to nurse on Tommy too...

The elusive jungle cat steals a drink from the giant dog's watering hole...

Tommy the Borderline collie and her majesty Navi Safari Mow (naming cats is hard!)

cat + dog = blog?

Hi folks,
I am a dog person. I get dogs, they get me. I say hi to dogs first and people second, never quite succeed in removing all the white-dog hair from my not-white clothing, and happily let my dog hang out on my bed. I like big dogs, the bigger the better, and currently live with two midsized (to me) dogs of about 45 lbs apiece.

The problem is that now I have a cat.

A kitten to be more precise.

A little baby kitten.

I'm still not quite sure just why I have a kitten, but I like to blame my veterinary, cat-rescue minded girlfriend.

This blog will be a place for me to write about dogs, cats, dogs trying to eat cats, cats ninja pouncing dogs and life as a pet owner in general.

Pictures will happen soon.

-the dog's cat's person.